Where is District 22 & What Does a State Senator do?
Where is District 22?
If you live in Waukee, parts of West Des Moines, Clive or Windsor Heights then you are part of senate district 22. Below is a map to show the district boundaries which straddle both Dallas and Polk Counties. Visit this LINK for a PDF to zoom in more closely.
“It’s not uncommon to be unfamiliar with the role of a state senator or know the boundaries of your district. However, we have a duty to become educated to empower ourselves to get involved on a local level. We’ve got this!“
As citizens, it is important to understand why it is critical to get involved with your time, money and votes when it comes to local politics, no matter how big or small the race. Your votes should include primaries and midterms for races such as school board, city council and state house and senate seats. All elections and all votes matter.
“I have heard over the years ‘but my vote won’t count.’ It will! Many local primary and general elections are won or lost by only a few votes. We need you. Your voice matters.“
What does a State Senator do?
“Did you know… that out of 50 Iowa state senators, only 11 are female? That is only 22% females compared to 78% males. It’s time for more gender equality in the state capitol.“
In Iowa, we have 50 senators who live in the state and are paid $25,000 per year to represent their districts. Each district has approximately 60,000 residents. There are currently 18 Democratic and 32 Republican senators. Of those, there are only 11 women — six Democrats and five Republicans.
State senators focus on issues pertaining to the state of Iowa and represent the concerns of the constituents in their district. Locally, state senators and house representatives are working on the best ways to allocate funding and support issues such as:
Public Welfare